By way of introduction, I am Brenda and my partner in life and business, is Michael. Together we have created Body Beautiful Boudoir Photography out of our love for capturing images of real people celebrating who they are. Our own connection is strong – and goes way back to high school – but that’s another story alltogether. We complement each other’s strengths and each of us plays an important role in the business of our intimate photo sessions. We are together, in the same room, within touching distance, around 23 hours per day. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. We are explorers of new sights, smells and tastes and experiences. We love celebrating love, we love sharing our energy and our time with interesting people and are on a journey to soak up as many new experiences and new connections as we can.
One of my favorite questions to ask any “professional” if I am looking to hire him or her, is “what do YOU look for when it comes time for you to hire a ________ fill-in-the-blank” . Whether it is a realtor, an accountant, a doctor or lawyer, a painter or decorator, a child care provider, or a photographer . . . what important qualities do you personally look for?
Of course you want to know that the person you are hiring has some proven record of accomplishments in their line of work (do they have the education / licensure necessary, is there a website with examples of their work, do they have any social media presence that is credible, do I know someone they have worked with?) In photography, it would also be important that you “like” their style of work. . . whether it’s all black and white, or candid / photo journalistic in nature versus more posed images, are the images light, bright and airy to your liking or do you prefer darker, moodier-feeling images? Well there may be hundreds of photographers in any geographical area that has those qualities. What else is important? I have always said that one of the most important characteristics for ME when choosing a photographer is not their location, their pricing structure, the number of years of experience; rather it is about how he / she connects with me. How do I feel when I am talking to my photographer? Does my photographer “get” me? Do we have similar energy levels? Does he / she talk too much or not enough? Does she make me nervous? Do I want to hang out with this person with whom I am about to have an intimate experience ? Because, I am here to tell you, if I don’t enjoy your company I sure as heck won’t feel comfortable in bearing my soul or my body to you!
And it’s not ALL about you, believe it or not. It has to be a good fit for the photographer as well! You want your photographer to get YOU! You want your photographer to get under your skin, to make you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down, to be vulnerable in front of the camera so that the images captured are who YOU are! You want your photographer to decide if YOU are a good fit for her! Because if you aren’t, your images will reflect that.
So who are we ? We are real, genuine people. We are a couple who has chosen to spend our days and nights together celebrating each other as artists, entrepreneurs and as a man and a woman. We are sensual, loving and kind people. We are driven by connecting with people and are always yearning to grow our client family. Life IS all about connection. It is the one thing that every human being desires. Our connection begins with a phone call, emails, text messages and is strengthened by the time we spend together during your photo session.
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